Fan Funded with Laser

Q&A 1: How Many Fans Do I Need, Kickstarter "Projects We Love," and more!

Episode Summary

Laser answers listener questions about Facebook Ads, how many fans you need to start a Kickstarter, how to find your audience, and more, in this episode.

Episode Notes

I loved answering your questions! Here's what we dig into in this first Q&A! 

How do you divide time between marketing and creating your own art?

How big is your mailing list? How many fans do we need?

Can you crowdfund vinyl without a large email list just being found on Kickstarter and maybe adding Facebook/IG ads?

Do Facebook ads work / are they necessary?

I see a lot of RPG Kickstarters where a large part of the backers (40-50%) came through Kickstarter itself. Is there anything we can do to increase Kickstarter serving up our project to their audience?

I'd like to start a Patreon but feel that I don't have enough time/energy to make extra rewards that could be exclusive to patrons. What kind of rewards could you suggest that still give value to supporters but won't require a ton of time making extra content?

How do I find an audience for my weird niche thing?

How do you make yourself pick and focus on a project that is feasible in the limited time that you have, despite having too many ideas?

I run a small animation studio. We’re preparing a crowdfunding campaign for an animated short film. As the director what should I be doing 3 months away from the campaign?

I stream games on Twitch. How do I grow my audience from 10 (half of whom are family) to 100 and beyond while maintaining that small community feeling?

If you have any questions at all, please send them on over to